You may be familiar with exhibitions that have presented perfume as olfactory art. However, olfactory art is a genre of fine art pertaining to smell that traces its roots back to the avant-garde, early in the twentieth century. A new exhibition at Museum Tinguely in Basel, Switzerland, establishes these historical origins of the genre while showcasing a wide range of practices to the present day that could be understood under this rubric. Curated by Annja Müller-Alsbach, Belle Haleine – The Scent of Art is the largest exhibition of olfactory art kind to date, with works by more than 40 international artists on more than 1200 m². And even though, as it disclaims, it does not “pursue the aim of an art historically comprehensive chronological collective exhibitionâ€, it is in many a sense a history-making exhibition…

Read the entire review by Ashraf Osman and Claus Noppeney on Basenotes at:
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