Museum Tinguely’s “Belle Haleine: The Scent of Art” Interdisciplinary Symposium

As part of the exhibition Belle Haleine: The Scent of Art, Museum Tinguely organized a two-day (17 & 18 April) interdisciplinary symposium in Basel which aimed to explore the topic of the olfactory dimension in art in depth and to connect it with perspectives from other disciplines on odor and olfaction. The speakers, who came from such varied fields as biology, medicine, the arts, industry and economy as well as the humanities and art history, gave 15 – 20 minute talks followed by moderated discussions, and included:

  • Asifa Majid, Max Planck Institut for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (NL)
  • David Howes, Centre for Sensory Studies at Concordia University, Montreal (CA)
  • Sergej Rickenbacher, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (DE)
  • Bettina Beer, Universität Luzern (CH)
  • Mădălina Diaconu, Universität Wien (AT)
  • Caro Verbeek, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (NL)
Click above to view the symposium's program PDF
Click above to view the symposium’s program PDF

The second panel on the first day was titled “Olfactory Technologies and Scent Marketing: Perspectives from Business and Industry” and included SCI’s Claus Noppeney and Andreas Wilhelm, in addition to Tristan Rousselle of Aryballe Technologies, Sebastian Rengshausen of Kanzlei Unverzagt Von Have, and Brigitte Schulthess of Suissessences. Andreas presented “A Brief Glimpse into Practical Perfumery”, while Claus moderated the panel and gave an introductory presentation on:

  • De-limiting the sphere of scent design
  • Culturalizing scent
  • Strengthening the experiential economy
  • Digital engineering scent
  • Regulating & formalizing the olfactory dimension
Day 1, Panel 2, “Olfactory Technologies & Scent Marketing”: (from right to left) Tristan Rousselle, Andreas Wilhelm, Claus Noppeney, Brigitte Schulthess, and Sebastian Rengshausen. (Photo credit: Camilla Nicklaus-Maurer)

In conjunction with the symposium, the museum is planning a follow-up publication with synopses of the talks.

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