The smell of the moon

The smell of the moon has been a recurring topic in popular as well as academic science. Following their expedition astronauts described the smell of the moon. MOON, Scratch and Sniff is commissioned by the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam and was launched there as part of an event on olfactory art in September 2010.

The print is a forerunner for the installation ENTER AT OWN RISK, commissioned by The Arts Catalyst and FACT.

Prints available now from Edinburgh Printmakers, and the Fruitmarket Gallery in Edinburgh from December 2010.

do it – smell it

Curated by Caro Verbeek

Elizabeth Straghan reflects on  the above artistic reseach project by Hagen Betzwieser & Sue Corke and the overall fascination for the smell of the moon:

Straughan, E. R. (2015). The smell of the Moon. Cultural Geographies, 25(July), 409–426.

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