So, are you making a list and checking it twice? ‘This is the season of lists, after all: wish lists, end-of-year/best-of lists, etc. Perfumes lists are aplenty this time of year (nearly as common as perfume ads) but here at SCI we’re especially fond of perfume books. (Well, scent books, actually; though perfume ones do dominate…) And what’s better than lists except lists of lists? We thought we’d highlight some good lists of perfume books, in case you’re looking for a last-minute idea for a perfume-lover and are intimidated by actually getting them perfume. (Or, let’s just face it, you just want to give yourself a gift you actually want this season.)
Now Smell This has an excellent list of books they’ve reviewed on their site. They also have a link to a more extensive bibliography of perfume books at Scented Pages. Personal lists could also be interesting: Heather has a good list on Amazon of Books for the Perfume-Obsessed; and here, for whatever it’s worth, is my scent book wish list. And finally, for book lovers, here’s a great list of book-scented perfumes and candles.
Do you know of any other good lists we should add here? Do you have a good list you’d like to share? Please leave us a comment. And happy holidays, everyone!
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