Whether derived from nature, or chemically constructed, odourant molecules have the ability to profoundly effect our behaviour, emotions and associations. Tonight we will explore the wondrous world of synesthesia. A neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway (sight) leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway (smell).
Smelling color and dancing to scents.
Explore the wondrous world of synesthesia.
Thursday 11 February
Food at 18:00, talks begin at 20:00
Pre-sale €7,50 / Door €10,- / Students €5,-
This evening is co-organized with Odorama curator Caro Verbeek
// Speakers
Dr. Cretien van Campen – synesthesia expert
Dr. Laura Speed – MA Radboud Universiteit
Amy Toner – choreographer
+ scents by music-smell ‘synesthica’ Dana el Masri
// Information
Mediamatic Biotoop,
Dijkspark 6, 1019 BS, Amsterdam
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