Olfactory Exhibition #3: Collecting Fragrances

In the series Olfactory exhibition, which deals with an experimental arrangement of scents and art, the third exhibition entitled Collecting fragrances focuses on personal olfactory worlds.

In a collaboration between Kunstmuseum Thun and Pro Infirmis Bern, the counseling centre in Oberland, people with and without artistic skills and experiences, with and without impairments are sought and found for a joint project. In six meetings, eight interested people explain the collection and the different fragrances. Thereby they become exhibition organizers who through their preoccupation with the collection decide on the theme of change. Fragrances as well as images keep changing, depending on mood, experience, memories. It is this idea that the organizers want to mediate to the public. As a result, a painting by Diana Dodson with the title Same, Same but different (2011) is selected, by which a jointly composed fragrance can be smelled. The Bernese perfumer Brigitte Witschi introduces the world of scents and assists the project group in the practical creation of the fragrance. First, the participants individually pick an artwork from the collection for which they create a personal fragrance.

27. August – 20. November 2016
Kunstmuseum Thun / Projektraum Enter
Opening: 26. August 2016, 18:30 – 21 Uhr

This project has been developed in cooperation with the Scent Culture Institute (Bern-Zurich) and is shown in a total of four experimental parts in the project room enter at the Kunstmuseum Thun. The first exhibition involved the scent of art materials, the second one was based on the collection, displaying landscapes, portrayals and fragrances that deal with nature. In the fourth exhibition a contemporary position that works with fragrances is presented by the artist Habib Asal. It is an olfactory experiment that works in different ways with the sense of smell as well as creative works from the collection of the Kunstmuseum Thun.


Opening: Friday, 26 August, from 6.30 pm
Welcome and introduction: 7 pm: Helen Hirsch, director, Kunstmuseum Thun, Sara Smidt, head of art mediation, Kunstmuseum Thun
Followed by a reception

Opening for children from 5 years: 6.45 pm – 7.45 pm, with Stefanie Wurz, art mediator

Public guided tours
Wednesday, 7 September, 18.15 pm, with Anja Seiler, academic associate
Wednesday, 9 November, 18.15 pm, with Helen Hirsch, director
The guided tour is included in the entry fee.

Short guided tour in dialogue with the exhibition organisers
Wednesday, 14 September, 15.30 pm
This event is free of cost.

Guided tour with sign language interpreter
Sunday, 18 September, 11.15a m
Guided tour for adults with Anja Seiler, academic associate and Janet Fiebelkorn, sign language interpreter
Partner: IGGH Bern

Closing event with release of the publication
Sunday, 20 November, 11.15a m
The publication developed in the course of the project will be released.
This event is free of charge.

A publication (D/E) with numerous essays and illustrations will be released, which approaches the subject from different angles.
Price: CHF 10


Introduction for teachers
Wednesday, 31 August, 5.30 – 6.30 pm, with Sarah Fuhrer, art mediator

Tours for schools
Creative exhibition visits for each level by appointment, Duration: 2 lessons.
Workshops in the art kitchen for a closer look at selected topics of the exhibition
Duration: By appointment
Information/ Registration:
kunstvermittlung@thun.ch, T +41 (0)33 225 84 20