Painting is born in a smelly studio. – JIM ELKINS
All posts by cnoppeney
A new book for the curious…
Different types of books contribute to the field of scent culture: coffee table books, scholarly books, perfume guides and many more. This book is different. It is original in its approach, writing and design: Nose Dive by Catherine Haley Epstein. Continue reading A new book for the curious…
“A stench beyond experience”
27 January is the day for everyone to remember the millions of people killed in the Holocaust, Nazi Persecution and in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur. The Holocaust Memorial Day 2020 marks 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. On this day I take the liberty to share a few lines I recently discovered in a book by Marcus Smith. Continue reading “A stench beyond experience”
Differences between smells are meaningless
“We do not discover the meaning of a smell by distinguishing it from other smells but by distinguishing contexts within which particular smells have a typical value.” – ALFRED GELL
Smell in design
“The focus on smell in design does not mean the addition of applied scent to all aspects of the design, but rather the awareness of smell as an inherent dimension of it … This awareness may lead to the realization that the appropriate solution is the removal or masking of a smell…The negotiation of odorizing and deodorizing is a skillset that should be part of every designer’s toolbox, as that awareness in itself is increasingly an important factor in the success or failure of design.” – ASHRAF OSMAN, CLAUS NOPPENEY & NADA ENDRISSAT
Continue reading Smell in design
Düfte plaudern lassen: Rückblick auf Duft – & Literaturfestival in Solothurn
Wenn Düfte erzählen hiess es vom 26. Mai bis zum 2. Juni 2019 in Solothurn. Im Rahmen des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds Agora Projekts Smelling more, smelling differently an der Berner Fachhochschule gab es eine Eventreihe mit mehreren hundert Besuchern, die als innovatives Duft- und Literaturfestival in die Annalen geht: interaktiv, partizipativ & performativ. Die Entwicklung neuer Düfte wurde zuvor in zwei weiteren Nationalfondsprojekten in Bern aus einer Managementperspektive mit einem innovativen Methodenmix untersucht. Wenn Düfte erzählen erweiterte diese Ansätze für den Dialog mit der Öffentlichkeit. Hier ein Rückblick auf Präsentationen, Schreibateliers, Workshops, Lesungen und die Duftbar.
Continue reading Düfte plaudern lassen: Rückblick auf Duft – & Literaturfestival in Solothurn
Michel Serres: the philosopher of the senses R.I.P.
Michel Serres, the French philosopher, died yesterday. Continue reading Michel Serres: the philosopher of the senses R.I.P.
Stop of controversial advertizing campaign: Renewing smell culture as taboo culture!
Hornbach is a Geman DIY store chain offering home improvement and do-it-yourself goods decided to stop and withdraw the recent campaign “The smell of spring” after being criticized for promoting racist and sexist stereotypes. Continue reading Stop of controversial advertizing campaign: Renewing smell culture as taboo culture!
“Spring Air”: DIY retailer & the subculture of BO
Hornbach is a Geman DIY store chain offering home improvement and do-it-yourself goods. “The scent of spring†is the title of its most recent brand campaign:
Continue reading “Spring Air”: DIY retailer & the subculture of BOFerdinand & Smell culture studies (4)
The Story of Ferdinand (1936) is a much acclaimed classic children book written by American author Munro Leaf and illustrated by Robert Lawson. This post reveals the fragrant (and so far ignored) message of the plot.