Scent Culture Monitor

Scent Culture is a rapidly expanding aspect of contemporary culture, business and society as well as an exciting intellectual field: The air condition is increasingly made explicit. Yet, numerous oderiferous phenomena and their economic, cultural and social relevance have hardly been explored and remain under-theorized. In 2015, Scent Culture Monitor was launched to capture this multiplicity of developments.

Building the field

Posts labelled as Scent Culture News inform about new products, services, exhibitions, books or initiatives.

Scent Culture Comment & Review shares our observations, commentaries and reviews, reflects on broader contexts or introduces an anecdotal snapshot. Scent Culture Comment & Review is also a platform for revisiting icons in pop culture or cultural history from a scent culture point of view (e.g. the series Ferdinand &).

All in all, the Scent Culture Monitor follows an exploratory approach of highlighting and connecting fragmented themes, ideas, references, and projects that relate to the sense of smell in culture, business and society. Some of these have been out there for a long time, some have just appeared somewhere, and others may just be emerging on the fringes. Scent Culture Monitor brings attention to and legitimizes what might be regarded as negligible, irrelevant, or marginal.

Shaping the field

We want to be broad enough to be relatable to a range of stakeholders, but specific enough to be meaningful. Each post should contribute to the understanding of “scent culture”. Time and again we will make a pause and reflect on recurring themes, issues and concepts: What can we learn about our economy, culture and society? Are there business opportunities? How is our understanding of scent culture nuanced? We might then readjust the focus. One can call this an inductive approach. This is the reason why we do not start with a definition upfront.

Inspiring the field

We hope to inspire new initiatives that increase the exchange between domains, theory & practice. We are happy to share our experience, insights and ideas and welcome like-minded initiatives. As such, we hope that the blog can enable the development of collaborations that otherwise may hardly happen.

Inviting criticism & discussion

Our selection is open to criticism and we are grateful for all kinds of feedback. We cordially invite submissions and suggestions.

Please get in touch with us!

And please subscribe to our website! Thank you!

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Some recents posts:

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Thought leadership, talks, workshops, cultural production & consulting in an experiential & aesthetic economy Bern, Zürich, Schweiz