An der Hochschule der Künste Bern wird im laufenden Wintersemester 2018 eine Einführung zu Düften und Gerüchen als Medien in Alltag, Gestaltung & Kunst angeboten. Die Toolbox gehört zum transdisziplinären Lehrangebot Y, das Studierenden aller künstlerischen Disziplinen offen steht.
Continue reading Alles nur Fake?  Scent Culture @ Hochschule der Künste Bern →
How can a scent be translated? How can a scent enhance creative practices? How can scents inspire creative practices? These questions guided an experimental course on scent/smell at Berlin University of the Arts in Berlin and one of the largest institutions of higher art & design education in Europe. The course offered by Scent Culture Institute was part of the universities liberal arts program in the spring/summer semester 2018. seminar.  Continue reading Inspiring, translating, enhancing: Scent in creative practices →
The University of Applied Sciences & Arts Hildesheim is looking for a new professor for “light & space” for its department of lighting design. Reflecting on the olfactory turn we slightly rewrote the official job opening: Continue reading When will there be a professor for olfaction & space? And where? →
Maki Ueda will be giving a 3 weeks course on olfactory art titled “How to Confuse Your Senses†in The Netherlands. Continue reading Smell and Art – an introductory course to olfactory art →
Thought leadership, talks, workshops, cultural production & consulting in an experiential & aesthetic economy Bern, Zürich, Schweiz