Tag Archives: Basenotes

Top 500 Modern Perfumes : The Data ~ by Grant Osborne — Basenotes.net

To celebrate its 15th birthday, Basenotes, “the largest fragrance information resource on the internet,” released over the past few weeks an impressive list titled 500 Greatest Modern Perfumes that culminated on Friday. The list presents an immense culling of users’ data to rank the top 500 fragrances of our millennium as evaluated by its huge user base. The website’s founder, Grant Osborne, also offered an insightful breakdown of the data according to launch year, gender, brand (along with types and parent companies), perfumers, flankers, as well as fragrances that have been discontinued or contain “oud” in the name (a testament to the recent flare of the “exotic” ingredient in the fragrance marketplace).

Review of “Belle Haleine – The Scent of Art” on Basenotes

You may be familiar with exhibitions that have presented perfume as olfactory art. However, olfactory art is a genre of fine art pertaining to smell that traces its roots back to the avant-garde, early in the twentieth century. A new exhibition at Museum Tinguely in Basel, Switzerland, establishes these historical origins of the genre while showcasing a wide range of practices to the present day that could be understood under this rubric. Continue reading Review of “Belle Haleine – The Scent of Art” on Basenotes