“The only qualification I have is a school certificate I was awarded at thirteen … I am self taught and have become who I am through encounters with people and individuals and, of course, with their work. ” – JEAN-CLAUDE ELLENA
Tag Archives: craft
Following an artisan perfumer: “Duftspuren”
This post takes a look at artisan perfumers. It discusses the autobiographical record by Sven Pritzkoleit published in 2016. Continue reading Following an artisan perfumer: “Duftspuren”
How to cope with IFRA?
There is a growing number of DIY perfumers who aim at entering the European market. Karen Gilbert who runs an online perfume course published a quick guide to navigating IFRA for those making perfume for sale in the European Union. Continue reading How to cope with IFRA?
Bespoke: craftmanship in perfumery
Here is another article on bespoke perfume that relates it to a new relevance of craftmanship. Continue reading Bespoke: craftmanship in perfumery
FRAGments 2015
FRAGments is a curated perfume-as-art celebration at of all things olfactory at Los Angeles. The West Coast is becoming a creative hotbed for artisan and indie perfumers.