In the ongoing election campaign in the German state of Bavaria the neoliberal FDP tries to sell the political agenda with the whiff of a new car scent and triggers some controversy. What is “aseptic” about it as the FAZ argues? Is it authentic? Or is this a new step of fake politics? Continue reading Wo bleibt der Duft? A new whiff of politics?
Tag Archives: experience economy
Body odor impacting on other’s work performance
Human body odors can transfer anxiety-related signals. This is a well documented fact. Yet, it is an open question how these signals impact in real-life situations. Continue reading Body odor impacting on other’s work performance
Beyond De-Odorant & Scent-Marketing: The Sense of Smell at the Workplace
It is apparent that the sense of smell can hardly be switched off at the workplace. Yet, business and management research has only recently started to explore its relevance. Continue reading Beyond De-Odorant & Scent-Marketing: The Sense of Smell at the Workplace
Using scent for innovating services: Opportunity for business partners in Switzerland
In today’s experience economy the service sector faces severe challenges: Services are simultaneously produced and consumed, and above all in most cases intangible. Forward looking companies increasingly use services for creating experiences that are stimulating for the customer: the more senses an experience engages, the more effective and memorable it can be. Continue reading Using scent for innovating services: Opportunity for business partners in Switzerland