“What if we designed for all our senses? Suppose, for a moment, that sound, touch, and odor were treated as the equals of sight, and that emotion was as important as cognition. What would our built environment be like if sensory response, sentiment, and memory were critical design factors, more vital even than structure and program?†– JOY MONICE MALNAR & FRANK VODVARKA Continue reading Imagine multisensory design
Tag Archives: Kommunikationsdesign
Smell in design
“One simply cannot turn up one’s nose these days at the role of scent in design.” – ASHRAF OSMAN, CLAUS NOPPENEY & NADA ENDRISSAT
Continue reading Smell in design
Wo bleibt der Duft? A new whiff of politics?
In the ongoing election campaign in the German state of Bavaria the neoliberal FDP tries to sell the political agenda with the whiff of a new car scent and triggers some controversy. What is “aseptic” about it as the FAZ argues? Is it authentic? Or is this a new step of fake politics? Continue reading Wo bleibt der Duft? A new whiff of politics?
Olfaktorischer Kommunikationszwang
“Wir sind zur olfaktorischen Kommunikation gezwungen.” – CLAUS NOPPENEY