The 4th Space, Creativity & Organizing Workshop was devoted to the senses – in particular to the sense of smell. Continue reading “Mindblowing” Workshop on Smelling & Organizing at Tallinn #offegos2018
Tag Archives: multisensory facilitation
Sensory turn in in management education
Some insights from our recent sensory turn in management education: Continue reading Sensory turn in in management education
Disorder of things
“The specific problem with the olfactory in this respect is that its linguistic structure of reference always throws us back into the disorder of things.” – HANS RINDISBACHER
Associative potential
“Smell is, with its storing and retrieving characteristics, an associative and expansive rather than an distributive and limiting sensory mode. The lack of terminological paradigms as they exist for colors necessitates linguistic detour through the metaphoric, that is a breach of reference level in the text each time we attempt to describe smells adjectivally. The same holds true for the common reference to smells in terms of their origins. “It smells like” or “the smell of” expresses relations of combination and contiguity rather than of selection and similarity. These two points may serve as a preliminary explanation of why the sense of smell is so often considered the most apt to trigger memory. Its very linguistic structure brings up an Other, a reference to the outside.” – HANS RINDISBACHER