Tag Archives: natural


“It is easier to make an airport tunnel smell like real jasmine than to use pictures, a video, or a trompe l’oeil to make people believe that they are walking through a real jasmine plantation in that tunnel.” – CHRISTOPHE LAUDAMIEL

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These Futuristic Perfumes Smell Like Things That Will Be Destroyed By Climate Change

Artist Catherine Young figured she better bottle up her favorite natural smells before they disappear.


As climate change worsens, so will our collective sense of loss. Coastlines, cities, crops, and entire species will disappear. Artist Catherine Young has created a perfume line that bottles up the scents of things we enjoy today, but will be diminished—or gone—soon enough.

Read more at http://www.fastcoexist.com/3033245/these-futuristic-perfumes-smell-like-things-that-will-be-destroyed-by-climate-change