Tag Archives: smell

Exhibiting body & smell in the 21st century in Wolfsburg

The upcoming exhibition at Kunstverein Wolfsburg explores the links between body & smell: Sex smells! Recent works by Julia Barbee, Peter de Cupere, Sarah Schoenfeld and Clara Ursitti are presented. Continue reading Exhibiting body & smell in the 21st century in Wolfsburg

A Sniff Test For Alzheimer’s Checks For The Ability To Identify Odors (NPR)

Parkinson’s disease, smoking, certain head injuries and even normal aging can influence our sense of smell. But certain patterns of loss in the ability to identify odors seem pronounced in Alzheimer’s, researchers say.


“Two studies released at an international Alzheimer’s meeting Tuesday suggest doctors may eventually be able to screen people for this form of dementia by testing the ability to identify familiar odors, like smoke, coffee and raspberry…”

Read more at: http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/07/26/487391863/a-sniff-test-for-alzheimers-checks-for-the-ability-to-identify-odors

Inhaling history and smelling the future | Caro Verbeek | TEDxGroningen

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g37Qe8Kriuo]

Maybe you don’t know how important scent has been over the course of history. Did you ever wonder why that is? Have we been neglecting one of our important senses? Can smell be part of art? Or promoting well being? Or influence our culture and society? According to Caro, a picture says a thousand words, but maybe a smell holds a thousand images.

Caro Verbeek is an art and smell historian, curator and author with a focus on modern, olfactory and tactile art. She is currently a PhD candidate at VU University with the project ‘In Search of Scents Lost – Reconstructing the Aromatic Heritage of the Avant-garde’. She teaches the course ‘The Other Senses’ at the Royal Academy of Arts (The Hague) and moderates the monthly ‘Odorama’-platorm at Mediamatic Amsterdam. She curated a show on olfactory art at Villa Rot (Germany) in 2015 and co-curated the Museumnight ‘Ruiken in het Rijks’ (Smelling at the Rijksmuseum) in 2012. She regularly does olfactory interventions at museums and universities worldwide. www.caroverbeek.nl

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more athttp://ted.com/tedx


“It is easier to make an airport tunnel smell like real jasmine than to use pictures, a video, or a trompe l’oeil to make people believe that they are walking through a real jasmine plantation in that tunnel.” – CHRISTOPHE LAUDAMIEL

Continue reading Simulation

New York’s Smell Dating

“The first mail odor dating service.”


“Love at first whiff is the idea behind Smell Dating, a New York matchmaking service that promises to help single people sniff out their perfect match by breathing in the odors from dirty T-shirts.

Artist Tega Brain, who teaches at New York’s School for Poetic Computation, and Sam Lavigne, an editor and researcher at New York University, created Smell Dating, which they describe as an art project.

Each of its first 100 clients received a T-shirt to wear for three days straight without bathing. The clients then mailed the T-shirts back to Brain and Lavigne’s “Sweat Shop” at NYU, where they were cut into swatches. Smell Dating then sent batches of 10 mixed swatches back to the clients to sniff this week.

A match will be made if one client likes the scent of another and the olfactory attraction is mutual…”

Read more at: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-bodyodor-idUSKCN0WQ1K7