“Go on, O Lord, and make an end of it, stir us up, and call us back; kindle us and pluck us to thee, be fragrant, and grow sweet unto us.” – AUGUSTINE
Tag Archives: western thought
“Now sight is superior to touch in purity, and hearing and smell to taste.” – ARISTOTELES
Continue reading Ocularcentrism
Breathing in different sensory worlds
“Americans and Arabs live in different sensory worlds much of the time and do not use the same senses even to establish most of the distances maintained during conversations.” – EDWARD HALL Continue reading Breathing in different sensory worlds
Of our delight in smelling
“As for the tempting delight of sweet smells, I am not too much taken with it. When I miss them, I do not seek them; when I may have them, I do not refuse them: yet also ready always to be without them.” – AUGUSTINE (354-430) Continue reading Of our delight in smelling