Talks & Workshops

Scent Culture associates offer informative, educational and thought-provoking lectures & presentations. We conceptualize and moderate controversial panel discussions and facilitate workshops for conferences, businesses and cultural organizations on the following umbrella themes:

Business & Management

Culture & Art

Perfume-making & Perfume Field

Society & Zeitdiagnose

Selection of Talks & Workshops:


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Our Commitment

Our contributions inform, inspire & empower.  Our talks & workshops are based on cutting edge research and sound analysis. Have a look at some recent feedbacks:


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We are passionate about our work and build on a broad professional experience in culture, academia and consulting.

Book a talk or workshop! Find out about new topics!

Please contact us to find out more about a potential workshop, talk or keynote presentation in your organization or setting. If there are other topics you are interested in, please get in touch. We are always interested to hear about new questions!

Thought leadership, talks, workshops, cultural production & consulting in an experiential & aesthetic economy Bern, Zürich, Schweiz