Video on Scent Culture Research

“Interdisciplinarity” is the common theme of three videos Bern University of Applied Sciences recently posted on YouTube. One of the videos features scent culture and related research projects based at Bern University of the Arts and the Business School, two departments at Bern University of Applied Sciences. So far, the interdisciplinary approach has brought together professionals from diverse disciplines including social science, media art, visual communication, management research, psychology and curating. 


The video was professionally produced by Witschi+Partner in a well-lit seminar room at the award winning school building in Bümpliz, a former textile factory that was transformed into a visual research lab. The video captures the stories of the two research projects ”Wissensduft” and ”New Scents in Action” and shows how this research inspires new teaching approaches. So far, the video is only available in a German version that also includes a passage in Swiss German.

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