The Museum Bellerive, a department of the Museum of Design in Zurich devoted an entire exhibition to perfumery: “Perfume – Bottling Seduction”. Continue reading Wissensduft @ Museum Bellerive
All posts by Scent Culture Institute: Smelling in Culture, Business & Society
ODE: Scent inspired stories!
Artistic research is an increasingly popular term to conceptualize research activities in the world of art & design universities. The concept highlights the epistemic aspects of artistic practices. Accordingly, certain artistic practices are driven by questions and aim at generating knowledge. Iconic cases from art & design history (e.g. Bauhaus) show that at least some artistic practices have been related to knowledge practices througout history. Thus, it might even be more a matter of terminology and explicit framing of that is a more recent phenomenon. Continue reading ODE: Scent inspired stories!