Category Archives: Scent Culture Inititiave

Scent Culture Initiative: Exploring scentscape of Zurich WCs

The City of Zurich operates 107 public bathrooms and restrooms. Scent Culture Initiative explored the scentscape of selected facilities. Using a semi-structured questionnaire a number of restrooms were identified as outstanding and hence labelled as “approved by scentculture”.  Continue reading Scent Culture Initiative: Exploring scentscape of Zurich WCs

Scent Culture Initiative: Gelungener Nose Cocktail in Zürich

Unsere Scent Culture Initiative erlebte einen kurzweiligen Abend mit bekannten und vor allem auch neuen Gesichtern und Ideen aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen. Lucas Heusser hatte Drinks und passende Düfte vorbereitet.

Möglich war dies dank befreundeter Geister im Hintergrund: Mayumi Matthaeus von Süskind.  Merci an alle fürs Kommen, Ideen und Weitersagen…

Beim nächsten Mal geht es vielleicht nach draussen…. aber das sehen wir noch…

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Continue reading Scent Culture Initiative: Gelungener Nose Cocktail in Zürich

Scent Culture Club: “Diary of Smells – Shards” & Samples Exchange

For the last Scent Culture Club gathering before the summer break, we will explore a work, “Diary of SmellsShards“, by Brazilian artist, Josely Carvalho. Continue reading Scent Culture Club: “Diary of Smells – Shards” & Samples Exchange

Join us at the Scent Culture Club!

The Scent Culture Club is a collective hub for people interested in the sense of smell in culture, business and society. It offers group activities that explore this new relevant and topical theme while meeting new people. The activities examine the cultural significance and potentials of scent in contemporary life through workshops, readings, discussions, and talks with perfumers, researchers, and scholars; as well as cultural productions, urban interventions, and trips in and around the city of Zurich: Continue reading Join us at the Scent Culture Club!