Category Archives: SCNews

Olfactory language in British fiction

Scent has so far remained largely sidelined into the context of the eighteenth-century novel. Reading Smell by Emily Friedman and published in 2016 provides models for how to incorporate olfactory knowledge into new readings of the literary form central to our understanding of the eighteenth century and modernity in general: the novel. Continue reading Olfactory language in British fiction

Perfumism, manifesto (2010)

In 2010, Andy Tauer  reflected on his observations as a perfumer and initiated With perfumeshrine’s Elena Vosnaki at the editorial helm and joined by perfume writer and vendor Rebecca Veuillet-Gallot, the code of perfumism articulated the desire for true craft in perfume in opposition to the purely economic rationale of the industry. Perfumism culminated in the manifesto worth revisiting:

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Why do we post a link to perfumism today?

Scent Culture News follows an exploratory approach of highlighting and connecting fragmented ideas and references that relate to the sense of smell in culture, business and society. Some of these have been out there for a long time, some have just appeared somewhere, and others may just be emerging on the fringes.

Olfactory Magazine “NEZ” in English

The emergence of publications have always been milestones for the development of fields and discourses. Thus the publication of an English speaking olfactory magazine is of significance. Bringing together articles, interviews, surveys and critical analysis with an olfactory focus, NEZ challenges us to use our noses to explore the world. Continue reading Olfactory Magazine “NEZ” in English

SCENT IN CONTEXT: Olfactory Art by Peter de Cupere

Overview book: 20 years working with scents

Texts by: Peter de Cupere, Caro Verbeek (Odorama & Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam), Ashraf Osman (Scent Culture Institute), Willem Elias (professor of culture philosophy, president of the HISK), Hsuan L. Hsu (professor of English at the Univeristy of California, Davis), Koan Jeff Baysa (The Institute of Art and Olfaction), Ruth Renders (art critic specialized in art and film studies).

Published by Stockmans. Already available in the exhibition Eens was ik een mens (Is This Mankind) in de Warande, Turnhout; soon online and in select art book & museum shops.

472 pages, 22 scratch & sniff images, over 500 works, more than 1500 images
3 kg, 29.5cm H x 24.5cm W x 5cm
English / Dutch (Nederlands)
