Category Archives: SCI events

Beyond “the Eye” of the Beholder: Scent innovation through analogical reconfiguration

“Constructing Meaning: Using Visual and Material Data” was the title of a Professional Development Workshop at the recent 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Anaheim. Continue reading Beyond “the Eye” of the Beholder: Scent innovation through analogical reconfiguration

Beyond the Juice: The Role of Blogs and Awards

Artistic perfumery has essentially been about the juice from its very beginning in the late 1970s: Jean Laporte started L’Artisan Parfumeur and  focused on the juice as well as its creator. Later on, corporate players became interested in this vibrant segment and launched their own niche lines. More recently, the Institute for Art and Olfaction (IAO) was created, signaling a comprehensive “new approach to the olfactory arts“ (Saskia Wilson-Brown, IAO founder’s statement, 2012). Consequently, the IAO’s prominent Art & Olfaction Awards highlight the artistry in perfumery. In fact, the awards propose to celebrate the value of the juice, and the juice alone.

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Beyond Genius: Creativity in perfume-making

Perfume-making – without a doubt – is a creative practice. Yet, our understanding of creativity is often limited. We basically think about the outstanding achievements of a creative genius without exploring the practices and strategies that underlie their creative solutions.

This talk opens the blackbox of creativity: It will focus on empirical data from case study research in the niche perfume industry, and outline the aesthetic and sensual practices that enable creative solutions in perfume-making.

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Beyond De-odorant & Scent-Marketing: The Sense of Smell at the Workplace

It is apparent that the sense of smell can hardly be switched off at the workplace. Yet, business and management research has only recently started to explore its relevance. A number of research and transfer projects have been conducted at Bern University of Applied Sciences. And there is an upcoming forum to share and discuss this topic. Continue reading Beyond De-odorant & Scent-Marketing: The Sense of Smell at the Workplace

Scent Culture Club: “Diary of Smells – Shards” & Samples Exchange

For the last Scent Culture Club gathering before the summer break, we will explore a work, “Diary of SmellsShards“, by Brazilian artist, Josely Carvalho. Continue reading Scent Culture Club: “Diary of Smells – Shards” & Samples Exchange

Scent Culture Institute @ Esxence 2016 in Milano

If you’re at Esxence 2016 in Milano next week, join us for a topical panel discussion: Judging & Criticism in Artistic Perfumery

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