“An everlasting fragrance is a paradox.” – THEODOR W. ADORNO
All posts by Scent Culture Institute: Smelling in Culture, Business & Society
Smelling whiteness
“White privilege is not just ‘in the head.’ It also is ‘in’ the nose that smells, the back, neck, and other muscles that imperceptibly tighten with anxiety, and the eyes that see some but not all physical differences as significant.” – SHANNON SULLIVAN
Psychological irrelevance
“Taste, smell, as well as hunger, thirst, nausea, and other so-called ‘common’ sensations need not be touched on in this book, as almost nothing of psychological interest is known concerning them.” – WILLIAM JAMES
Rapport with the world
“Odours enable us to have an immediate and lively rapport with the world.” – CLAUDE LEVI-STRAUSS Continue reading Rapport with the world
Fragrant Christmas!
Oranges are native to China. In the late Middle Ages they were new to Europe. Andrea Mantegna was clearly aware of orange trees and their beautiful golden fruit when he created this fragrant image of the Holy Night, the Adoration of the Shepherds:
The scene is set in an open space, with Mary in the middle, adoring the child while kneeling on a stone step, while to her right Joseph is sleeping, and to her left two shepherds pray.
“A perfumer is someone who masters the behaviour and the perception of volatile molecules by the nose and the brain.” – CHRISTOPHE LAUDAMIEL
Prix Photoforum 2019
“Durch Glas”, a project on the perception of scent by the Swiss-Canadian artist Christelle Boulé wins the Prix Photoforum 2019. The series of photographs will be exhibited at Photoforum Pasquart.
Earlier this year another scent related work was ealier shown at Sillages, an exhibition devoted to olfaction as a theme in contemporary photography, at Biel.
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When Fragrances Tell: Olfactory Storytelling
Designing in a complex world
“Even if you could capture the smells, sounds, tastes, and feel of a place, digitize them, and send them down a wire, you’d still never get near the sensation of ‘being there’. Why? Because we humans are not so dumb. Our minds and our bodies are one intelligence.” – JOHN THACKARA
Headwind: Ambient scenting for new worlds of work
HEADWIND brings a breath of fresh air into the world of work. This reviving ambient scent was developed at the Bern University of Applied Sciences Business School in the summer of 2019 in a student project.
Continue reading Headwind: Ambient scenting for new worlds of work