Tag Archives: design

Great Idea: Mood Boards For Smells

Scents can be tough to describe in words, which makes them perfect for mood boards.


For Haus Interior’s candle collection, the boutique interior design firm wanted a way to describe smells to online shoppers beyond mere words. So the company hired photographer Sully Sullivan to produce a collection of scent mood boards. Carefully curated, cleanly arranged objects fill in the emotions and contexts of a smell that words might miss.

Read more at http://www.fastcodesign.com/3041018/great-idea-mood-boards-for-smells/5

This article nicely resonates with a recent paper on the use of moodboards in perfumery:

Endrissat, N., Islam, G., & Noppeney, C. (2016). Visual organizing: Balancing coordination and creative freedom via mood boards. Journal of Business Research, 69(7), 2353–2362. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.10.004

Clarifying the arguments: Perfume, Design and Olfactory Art

Larry Shiner, a philosopher in the field of aesthetics, published a must-read academic treatise on piece by Larry Shiner on the confusing but ever-relevant subject of perfumes & art (Shiner 2015). Continue reading Clarifying the arguments: Perfume, Design and Olfactory Art

Expanding the sensorium: Smell in Art & Design Education

The Lucerne School of Art and Design is the oldest college of art and design in German-speaking Switzerland. In fact, it is celebrating the 140th anniversary of its foundation throughout this academic year. Thus, the school reflects on the history and prospects of art and design education and organizes a sequence of keynote lectures titled: €Craftsmen and Visionaries: Art and Design Education between Social Responsibility and Freedom. Here is the program: Ringvorlesung Symposium 2015. In this context, Claus Noppeney has been invited to explore olfaction as an innovative field in art and design (education). Being strongly rooted in craftsmanship, traditional perfumery takes a cultural turn. Innovative products and services (see our Scent Culture News) show how the sense of smell steadily becomes a design parameter.  Moreover, the olfactory dimension is increasingly part of contemporary artistic practices.

Continue reading Expanding the sensorium: Smell in Art & Design Education

“The scent of things to come” – Arts and Humanities Research Council

eScent offers an enabling platform technology and delivery device that emits precise doses of fragrances at the right time, in the right place, depending on context. It is the result of decades of substantial multidisciplinary research lead by Dr. Jenny Tillotson that culminates in numerous topical applications.  Continue reading “The scent of things to come” – Arts and Humanities Research Council

This Clock Enables You to Smell Time - Dubai Design Week


Scent Clock provides a new way to tell time through fragrance. The concept draws on the often less stimulated of human senses to serenely mark significant moments in a day: such as waking, going to bed, praying, and eating. Continue reading This Clock Enables You to Smell Time - Dubai Design Week

Meet the Scent Designer Who Wants to Train–and Delight–Your Nose | AIGA Eye on Design

“If you’ve ever embraced a fragrance just because it reminded you of someone, or dabbed on a perfume reminiscent of a particular vacation, French designer Charline Ronzon-Jaricot knows just how you feel. She is all about making products that explore the uncanny connection between the nose and the heart.”