Tag Archives: SCI research

Culturalizing Scent!

We have fleshed out some of the guiding ideas for Scent Culture Institute in our contribution to Designing with Smell: Designing with Smell: Practices, Techniques and Challenges - an impressive volumen honoring the work of Victoria Henshaw : Culturalizing scent! 

Continue reading Culturalizing Scent!

A Sniff Test For Alzheimer’s Checks For The Ability To Identify Odors (NPR)

Parkinson’s disease, smoking, certain head injuries and even normal aging can influence our sense of smell. But certain patterns of loss in the ability to identify odors seem pronounced in Alzheimer’s, researchers say.


“Two studies released at an international Alzheimer’s meeting Tuesday suggest doctors may eventually be able to screen people for this form of dementia by testing the ability to identify familiar odors, like smoke, coffee and raspberry…”

Read more at: http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/07/26/487391863/a-sniff-test-for-alzheimers-checks-for-the-ability-to-identify-odors

Why Do Most Languages Have So Few Words for Smells? – The Atlantic

And why do these two hunter-gatherer groups have so many? Interesting questions and article from The Atlantic, on the research of Asifa Majid from Radboud University in the Netherlands on the Jahai people of Malaysia and the Maniq of Thailand. (Majid’s work was featured earlier this year in a piece by The Economist.) But perhaps another way to look at it is via this excellent post from Dr. Avery Gilbert on The Alleged Limitations of Olfactory Language.


Video on Scent Culture Research

“Interdisciplinarity” is the common theme of three videos Bern University of Applied Sciences recently posted on YouTube. One of the videos features scent culture and related research projects based at Bern University of the Arts and the Business School, two departments at Bern University of Applied Sciences. So far, the interdisciplinary approach has brought together professionals from diverse disciplines including social science, media art, visual communication, management research, psychology and curating.  Continue reading Video on Scent Culture Research

Let’s talk about smell – how leaders can face this delicate challenge

If you want to be a good leader you have to learn how to talk about smell. But why? This post covers some recent work on coping with smell in leadership. Continue reading Let’s talk about smell – how leaders can face this delicate challenge