Tag Archives: SCI scent culture education

Alles nur Fake?  Scent Culture @ Hochschule der Künste Bern

An der Hochschule der Künste Bern wird im laufenden Wintersemester 2018 eine Einführung zu Düften und Gerüchen als Medien in Alltag, Gestaltung & Kunst angeboten. Die Toolbox gehört zum transdisziplinären Lehrangebot Y, das Studierenden aller künstlerischen Disziplinen offen steht.

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Culturalizing Scent!

We have fleshed out some of the guiding ideas for Scent Culture Institute in our contribution to Designing with Smell: Designing with Smell: Practices, Techniques and Challenges - an impressive volumen honoring the work of Victoria Henshaw : Culturalizing scent! 

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Perfume Education | The Institute for Art and Olfaction

IAO is making a map of resources for education in perfumery, on as global a scale as they can muster. To make it to the map, the perfumer or institution must teach regular classes for more than 3 people (not private corporate sessions, for instance), with a specific educational goal. This does not include bespoke scent-making. Who/where have they missed?