Tag Archives: smell

Share touch, smell and taste via the internet | euronews, hi-tech

Sharing smell, but also touch, and even taste – that’s the vision of a London university professor who has developed a range of devices he hopes will transcend the current limitations of online communication.

Today, our interaction with a smartphone or a computer is essentially audio-visual. Adrian David Cheok, Professor of Pervasive Computing at City University London, wants to involve all of our senses.

Watch the video segment on EuroNews.

“The Sense of Smell” workshop in Cambridge

The UK Semiochemistry Network, comprises a varied group of people who are interested in the sense of smell – olfaction. Here is the program for the next workshop  including contributions from Christophe Laudamiel, the Weizman Institute, Thomas Hummel an many other leader scholars and professionals. Continue reading “The Sense of Smell” workshop in Cambridge