All posts by Scent Culture Institute: Smelling in Culture, Business & Society

Scent Culture Institute is a hub for projects on smelling in culture, business & society based in Switzerland: Thought leadership, cultural production, multi-sensory innovation; general management development; talks, workshops & consulting. SCI ist eine Platform für Projekte zum Geruchsinn, Riechen, Düften in Kultur, Wirtschaft, Unternehmen und Gesellschaft in der Schweiz (Zürich & Bern): Forschung, Entwicklung, Vorträge, Workshops, Beratung, kulturelle Produktion.

Biennale Bern: Urban Scent Walk

It seems, in our times of antiseptic cities and scentless cyber-existence, the hunger for scent in the cultural arena is larger than ever. As such, the Urban Scent Walk (USW) seems to have hit the spot at the 2014 Biennale Bern! Continue reading Biennale Bern: Urban Scent Walk

Bern Biennial: Urban Scent Walk

Explore the old town of Bern by nose: How does Bern smell today? What stories do the fragrant and the foul smells in the city tell? How does smell permeate life in the city?
The Urban Scent Walk explores the old town of Bern as a smellscape and an olfactory exhibition: informative, discursive, performative. The guided walk opens up unfamiliar facets in spaces of everyday life. The Situationists spoke of “dérive”, meaning the exploration of cities by wandering through varied environments: natural scents, cloying designer fragrances, fresh site-specific interventions, and cosmetic urban smells.
Odors are hardly ever specifically noted, although they interact with each breath: in a direct manner, volatile molecules produce the moods that characterize the atmosphere of the city. “Smells make it possible to identify locations and to identify with places,” says the philosopher Gernot Böhme. In other words, the nose brings experience that the eyes, mouth and ears are shut out of.
Continue reading Bern Biennial: Urban Scent Walk

Art of Management and Organization Conference – Copenhagen 2014


At the 7th International Art of Management and Organization conference (August 28th – 31st, 2014) results of the research project „New Scents in Action“ are presented at Copenhagen Business School. Continue reading Art of Management and Organization Conference – Copenhagen 2014

Materializing the Immaterial

 The article Materializing the Immaterial by Nada Endrissat & Claus Noppeney captures central insights of our research on perfume-making. It outlines how the question of materializing the immaterial is approached by the creative director and the two perfumers.

Continue reading Materializing the Immaterial

Images, Scents & System Requirements

What can requirement engineering learn from briefings in artistic perfumery? In a recent article Claus Noppeney & Nada Endrissat discuss the transfer potential of the artistic perfumery case developed in the research project “Wissensduft“.  Continue reading Images, Scents & System Requirements

“Perfume-making: At the Junction of Creative Production and Scientific Practices”

“Perfume-making: At the Junction of Creative Production and Scientific Practices” was the title of a presentation and seminar by Claus Noppeney  at London College of Fashion: University of the Arts, London, Presentation & seminar: 24 – 25 October 2012. Thanks to the invitation by Ian King from the “Aesthetics and Management Hub” the Swiss research project could be presented at one of the leading international art and design universities. In the discussion Carolyn Mair, Director of Fashion Psychology at LCF, explained that brain light-waves produce images in our mind but it is human interpretation that forms individual meaning. She added that meaning comes from connections in our brain that makes sense of the basic environment that we choose to pay attention to, because of our experiences.  “We all react to scents and touch in different ways. It is translated within our memory so although we smell and might have the same reactions to molecules, the difference comes in when we interpret that in terms of remembering and recalling,” Mair said.

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