Tag Archives: cultural

When Fragrances Tell: Olfactory Storytelling


Düfte plaudern lassen: Rückblick auf Duft – & Literaturfestival in Solothurn

Wenn Düfte erzählen hiess es vom 26. Mai bis zum 2. Juni 2019 in Solothurn. Im Rahmen des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds Agora Projekts Smelling more, smelling differently an der Berner Fachhochschule gab es eine Eventreihe mit mehreren hundert Besuchern, die als innovatives Duft- und Literaturfestival in die Annalen geht: interaktiv, partizipativ & performativ. Die Entwicklung neuer Düfte wurde zuvor in zwei weiteren Nationalfondsprojekten in Bern aus einer Managementperspektive mit einem innovativen Methodenmix untersucht. Wenn Düfte erzählen erweiterte diese Ansätze für den Dialog mit der Öffentlichkeit. Hier ein Rückblick auf Präsentationen, Schreibateliers, Workshops, Lesungen und die Duftbar.

Continue reading Düfte plaudern lassen: Rückblick auf Duft – & Literaturfestival in Solothurn

Scent Masquerade: Gendering your Nose

Do you remember the commercials that promote deodorants and openly appeal to sexist phantasies? Women are drawn in hordes to any male who has sprayed himself liberally with the deodorant – the “Axe effect”. The commercials have been known as the world’s sexist advertising campaign for many years.   Continue reading Scent Masquerade: Gendering your Nose

Olfactory Exhibition Series at Projektraum Enter in Kunstmuseum Thun 

What does scent have to do with art? At first glance, nothing, it seems. But scent has long been a part of art on many levels, and is increasingly so nowadays. From the materials and processes used to produce art to the subject matters of the work itself, scent—whether present physically or only in memory or the imagination—is part of the reality of art. In cooperation with the Scent Culture Institute, Kunstmuseum Thun is presenting a year-long series of four exhibitions at Projektraum Enter examining the sense of smell through the museum’s collection. Through the series, Projektraum Enter will act as an experimental place for olfactory exploration, from the what and how art is made, and how we perceive it, to the artistic evocations of smell, be they in still lives, city scenes, landscapes, abstractions, or the real world. Continue reading Olfactory Exhibition Series at Projektraum Enter in Kunstmuseum Thun 

Urban Scent Walk in Shanghai

In the context of the Y Think Tank at Tongji University in Shanghai, this workshop provided the opportunity to experience the ephemeral materiality of scents and smells and to reflect of its cultural and economic relevance. Continue reading Urban Scent Walk in Shanghai

UBS Arts Forum: Expanding the Notion of Sculpture

This fall, the UBS Arts Forum was devoted to contemporary sculpture. In this context, the program featured a lecture by Claus Noppeney on Expanding the Notion of Sculpture: “Mit der Nase in die Skulptur” and three scent sculptures by Christophe Laudamiel and Christoph Hornetz were exhibited at the Seepark Thun. Continue reading UBS Arts Forum: Expanding the Notion of Sculpture

Biennale Bern: Urban Scent Walk

It seems, in our times of antiseptic cities and scentless cyber-existence, the hunger for scent in the cultural arena is larger than ever. As such, the Urban Scent Walk (USW) seems to have hit the spot at the 2014 Biennale Bern! Continue reading Biennale Bern: Urban Scent Walk