“Saints felt as much delight in the offensive odours which surround the sick and the infected as they would in a garden of the most fragrant flowers.” – ALPHONSUS LIGUORI
Tag Archives: odor
Feeling delight in offensive odours
“Saints felt as much delight in the offensive odours which surround the sick and the infected as they would in a garden of the most fragrant flowers.” – ALPHONSUS LIGUORI
Olfactory norm
“We live in a world of smells, where only the absence of smell is remarkable.” – R.W. MONCRIEFF
Rapport with the world
“Odours enable us to have an immediate and lively rapport with the world.” – CLAUDE LEVI-STRAUSS Continue reading Rapport with the world
Smelly theory of private property
The genesis of private property has been a recurring theme in political philosophy since ancient times. In his essays on the five senses the French philosopher Michel Serres proposes a “smelly theory of private property”: Continue reading Smelly theory of private property
Smelly wheels: In search of alternatives
Visual representations of smell are one of the core themes of our presence on Instagram: Wheel, circle, and pie have recently appeared as recurring and influential visual metaphors. The fragrance wheel created by Michael Edwards is perhaps the most prominent example these days. But the history of visualizations demonstrates that this is only one example out of many. The visual metaphor of the circle or the wheel has been used to classify urine smells. The colour, smell, and even taste of urine was used to both identify particular illnesses and provide patient prognoses, from Hippocrates to the Victorian era. The practice, called uroscopy or uromancy, was, according to the Doctor’s Review, “once the number-one way to diagnose disease — and predict the future”.