All posts by Scent Culture Institute: Smelling in Culture, Business & Society

Scent Culture Institute is a hub for projects on smelling in culture, business & society based in Switzerland: Thought leadership, cultural production, multi-sensory innovation; general management development; talks, workshops & consulting. SCI ist eine Platform für Projekte zum Geruchsinn, Riechen, Düften in Kultur, Wirtschaft, Unternehmen und Gesellschaft in der Schweiz (Zürich & Bern): Forschung, Entwicklung, Vorträge, Workshops, Beratung, kulturelle Produktion.

The smell of the moon

The smell of the moon has been a recurring topic in popular as well as academic science. Following their expedition astronauts described the smell of the moon. MOON, Scratch and Sniff is commissioned by the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam and was launched there as part of an event on olfactory art in September 2010. Continue reading The smell of the moon

MOON, Scratch and Sniff

is commissioned by the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam and was launched there as part of an event on olfactory art in September 2010.

The print is a forerunner for the installation ENTER AT OWN RISK, commissioned by The Arts Catalyst and FACT.

Prints available now from Edinburgh Printmakers, and the Fruitmarket Gallery in Edinburgh from December 2010.

do it – smell it

Curated by Caro Verbeek

Scratch & sniff in city marketing

Scratch-and-sniff stickers became popular in the late 1970s. Since then they have been used in different contexts. In these days, the British city York uses microencapsulated city smelly to promote the city as a tourist destination. Continue reading Scratch & sniff in city marketing

NZZ: “Mehr als schöner Atem” (More than beautiful breath)

The NZZ (Neue Zürcher Zeitung), the Swiss newspaper of record, published a review of the Belle Haleine: The Scent of Art exhibition at Museum Tinguely in Basel penned by SCI’s Claus Noppeney. The review, titled “Mehr als schöner Atem” (More than beautiful breath) explores different artistic strategies employed at the exhibition by focusing on four works in it: the discursive in Jenny Marketou’s ”Smell You, Smell Me” (1998), the documentary in Clara Ursitti’s ”Eau Claire” (1993), the sensual in Ernesto Neto’s “Mentre accade niente” (2008), and the conceptual in Cildo Meireles’s “Volatil” (1980/1994).

The piece concludes with a glimpse at other related exhibitions in Europe this spring: There’s Something in the Air! – Scent in Art at the Villa Rot in the south of Germany and The Smell of War at castle De Lovie in the west of Belgium. Claus had written another piece for NZZ with Nada Endrissat last year on the topic of olfactory art titled “Kunst, die man riechen kann: Mehr als Duft und Gestank” (Art you can smell: More than scent and stench).

Image: Cildo Meireles, Volátil (Volatile), 1980/1994.

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New Yorker features experimental scent

Last Friday, at the second annual Art and Olfaction Awards, in Los Angeles, four of the evening’s five Golden Pears went to traditional fragrances… The real excitement, however, lay in the Sadakichi Award for Experimental Use of Scent, which was new to the event this year.  Continue reading New Yorker features experimental scent