Category Archives: DICTUM

Designing in a complex world

“Even if you could capture the smells, sounds, tastes, and feel of a place, digitize them, and send them down a wire, you’d still never get near the sensation of ‘being there’. Why? Because we humans are not so dumb. Our minds and our bodies are one intelligence.” – JOHN THACKARA

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Smell in design

“The focus on smell in design does not mean the addition of applied scent to all aspects of the design, but rather the awareness of smell as an inherent dimension of it … This awareness may lead to the realization that the appropriate solution is the removal or masking of a smell…The negotiation of odorizing and deodorizing is a skillset that should be part of every designer’s toolbox, as that awareness in itself is increasingly an important factor in the success or failure of design.” – ASHRAF OSMAN, CLAUS NOPPENEY & NADA ENDRISSAT
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We smell the way we make sense of it…

“We see what we see, we smell what we smell and feel what we feel, and there seems no more to it. Experiences that make no claim whatever would be truly incorrigible. But we must allow in the first place for the fact that what we see or feel depends very much on the way we make sense of it, and in this respect it is corrigible.” – MICHAEL POLANYI

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