Category Archives: SCI media presence

SCI in the media

HKB Zeitung: Mit der Nase in die Kunst

Die Kunst setzt an, ein unbekanntes Terrain zu betreten. Das Feld riecht und markiert einen künstlerischen Anfang: Kunst, die den Riechsinn bedient.

Continue reading HKB Zeitung: Mit der Nase in die Kunst

Dash magazine: Molecular brand competition

DASH, the London-based illustrated magazine on fashion and fashion art, published an interview with Claus Noppeney (Autumn / Winter 2013 Issue): ”Olfactory Ontologies“ follows from a longer discussion with Stephen Fortune, an interactive media artist and science editor from London. Continue reading Dash magazine: Molecular brand competition

“The Making of Wissensduft”: Research Portrayed in Magazine by Swiss National Science Foundation

An article published in “Horizons – the Swiss magazine for scientific research” tells the “making of” story of the initial research project “Wissensduft”: Continue reading “The Making of Wissensduft”: Research Portrayed in Magazine by Swiss National Science Foundation

20minuten: Kein Duft ohne Bilder

20 Minuten (English: 20 Minutes, said Twenty Minutes) is a free daily newspaper in Switzerland. Thanks to the substantial support of the Gebert Rüf Foundation and its initiative for sciencetainment this popular commuter newspaper successfully launched a special science section on a weekly basis. This is the context for this feature:


Thanks a lot to Beat Glogger for his effective communication coaching.

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