Category Archives: SCI scent culture education

SCI involvement with scent, perfume, smell education

Alles nur Fake?  Scent Culture @ Hochschule der Künste Bern

An der Hochschule der Künste Bern wird im laufenden Wintersemester 2018 eine Einführung zu Düften und Gerüchen als Medien in Alltag, Gestaltung & Kunst angeboten. Die Toolbox gehört zum transdisziplinären Lehrangebot Y, das Studierenden aller künstlerischen Disziplinen offen steht.

Continue reading Alles nur Fake?  Scent Culture @ Hochschule der Künste Bern

Inspiring, translating, enhancing: Scent in creative practices

How can a scent be translated? How can a scent enhance creative practices? How can scents inspire creative practices? These questions guided an experimental course on scent/smell at Berlin University of the Arts in Berlin and one of the largest institutions of higher art & design education in Europe. The course offered by Scent Culture Institute was part of the universities liberal arts program in the spring/summer semester 2018.  seminar.   Continue reading Inspiring, translating, enhancing: Scent in creative practices

Expanding the sensorium: Smell in Art & Design Education

The Lucerne School of Art and Design is the oldest college of art and design in German-speaking Switzerland. In fact, it is celebrating the 140th anniversary of its foundation throughout this academic year. Thus, the school reflects on the history and prospects of art and design education and organizes a sequence of keynote lectures titled: €Craftsmen and Visionaries: Art and Design Education between Social Responsibility and Freedom. Here is the program: Ringvorlesung Symposium 2015. In this context, Claus Noppeney has been invited to explore olfaction as an innovative field in art and design (education). Being strongly rooted in craftsmanship, traditional perfumery takes a cultural turn. Innovative products and services (see our Scent Culture News) show how the sense of smell steadily becomes a design parameter.  Moreover, the olfactory dimension is increasingly part of contemporary artistic practices.

Continue reading Expanding the sensorium: Smell in Art & Design Education

Scent Culture at the University of St. Gallen

The University of St. Gallen has long been known for its integrative view of economics, business administration, law, social science and the humanities. Smell Culture is now part of its contextual studies program. Continue reading Scent Culture at the University of St. Gallen

Video on Scent Culture Research

“Interdisciplinarity” is the common theme of three videos Bern University of Applied Sciences recently posted on YouTube. One of the videos features scent culture and related research projects based at Bern University of the Arts and the Business School, two departments at Bern University of Applied Sciences. So far, the interdisciplinary approach has brought together professionals from diverse disciplines including social science, media art, visual communication, management research, psychology and curating.  Continue reading Video on Scent Culture Research

Olfactory spaces: Smell in design education

On the 19th of September, Claus Noppeney and Ashraf Osman of SCI conducted a class for the Signaletik CAS program (context building), part of the Signaletik MAS (Environmental Information Design) at the Bern University of the Arts, under the supervision of Jimmy Schmid. Continue reading Olfactory spaces: Smell in design education