“We do not discover the meaning of a smell by distinguishing it from other smells but by distinguishing contexts within which particular smells have a typical value.” – ALFRED GELL
Tag Archives: magic
“Magic, in order to achieve its greatest potency, must enter through the nose.” -Â BRONISLAW MALINOWSKI
Re-awakening the Magic
“The Perfumative. Perfume in Art and Design” was the title of an international conference at Zurich University of the Arts (8-10 November 2018). The conference seeked to open up a dialogue between perfumers, researchers, designers, and artists. Continue reading Re-awakening the Magic
“Smell may not seem a profound enough problem to dominate all the life sciences, but it contains, piece by piece, all the mysteries.” – LEWIS THOMAS
Scent: Beyond control
In a recent interview with the Swiss-German daily newspaper Bund published in Bern Claus Noppeney talks about the role of scent in contemporary culture and society: “Scent control is a challenge“.  Continue reading Scent: Beyond control