Tag Archives: smell

Paper Passion

The Paper Passion perfume conceived for Handmade 2011, which bottles the seductive scent of a freshly printed books, was inspired by a throwaway line by German publisher Gerhard Steidl in the film How to Make a Book with Steidl, which suggested his favourite scent was a ‘freshly printed book’. Continue reading Paper Passion

COLLECTED SMELLS: Smell Lab Showcase

Community showcase night
20 January | 19:30


The Smell Lab is a monthly meeting space open for everybody who is interested in experimenting around the sense of smell. This night will showcase the work that has been going on in the lab so far:

Collected Smells is the first installation produced by the Smell Lab, a group of people researching the sensation and science of smell. The work consists of several smells gathered during the Smell Lab’s meetings and are derived from various locations in Berlin-Neukölln. The installation is made up of cloth sheets imbued with scents from our surroundings – the water, the soil, smoke and leaves. The work is the culmination of the lab’s explorations and is the first in a series of future projects.

You can read more about the preparation for this installation in this recent blog about the Smell Lab on DailySecret: What does Kottbusser Tor smell like? by Nika Mavrody.

This event is part of the transmediale/CTM Vorspiel 2016 festival

More information about the Smell Lab is available here and on past events here. You can also join on Meetup.


CFP Future Anterior: Olfaction & Preservation Extended Deadline

CALL FOR PAPERS: Olfaction and Preservation
Special issue co-edited by Jorge Otero-Pailos and Adam Jasper 
Extended Deadline: Monday 22 February 2016


Future Anterior publishes essays that explore preservation from historical, theoretical and critical perspectives. For this issue, we seek papers on architecture, atmosphere, preservation and the sense of smell. We seek scholarly papers that take stock of the recent surge of interdisciplinary research on olfaction and speculate on its relevance to the practice of preservation.

More at: http://www.e-artnow.org/announcement/article/ACTION/11702/

CFP Future Anterior: Olfaction & Preservation

Future Anterior is a peer-reviewed journal that approaches the field of historic preservation from a position of critical inquiry. For the upcoming special issue co-edited by Joerge Otero-Pailos & Adam Jasper, the journal seeks papers on architecture, atmosphere, preservation and the sense of smell. Continue reading CFP Future Anterior: Olfaction & Preservation

“Olfactory art makes scents – and who nose where it might lead us?”


“Olfactory art” – art concerned with smell – is currently a relatively minor field. But a growing number of contemporary artists are starting to explore the potentials of olfactory art. [Last] year’s Next Wave festival in Melbourne presents Smell You Later (May 1-11), a series of “scent-based encounters” in bathrooms, corridors, lobbies and stairwells of various festival venues.

More at: http://theconversation.com/olfactory-art-makes-scents-and-who-nose-where-it-might-lead-us-25643

Next Wave Festival: Scent narrative

Established in 1984 to foster creativity and experimentation, Next Wave is the most comprehensive platform in Australia for a new generation of artists taking creative risks. With Next Wave celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2014, curator Katie Lenanton  decided upon the idea of “celebration” as the “scent narrative” underpinning the project: Continue reading Next Wave Festival: Scent narrative

Against the Scentless: Returning the Sense of Smell to the Arts

“…The arts world of the 21st century should take these innovations as a challenge to make resonant new works incorporating aromas, and not allow these tools to simply become devices for social grooming and more effective product placement. Continue reading Against the Scentless: Returning the Sense of Smell to the Arts