Tag Archives: visual design

Imagine multisensory design

“What if we designed for all our senses? Suppose, for a moment, that sound, touch, and odor were treated as the equals of sight, and that emotion was as important as cognition. What would our built environment be like if sensory response, sentiment, and memory were critical design factors, more vital even than structure and program?” – JOY MONICE MALNAR & FRANK VODVARKA Continue reading Imagine multisensory design

Smell & new narrative experience

Goldilocks and the Three Bears: The Smelly Version is just the first in a series of children’s classics that was on display at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York in 2015. Called Sensory Stories: An Exhibition of New Narrative Experiences, the exhibit featured technology that expands upon traditional story delivery methods and the way they play off the senses.

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