All posts by Scent Culture Institute: Smelling in Culture, Business & Society

Scent Culture Institute is a hub for projects on smelling in culture, business & society based in Switzerland: Thought leadership, cultural production, multi-sensory innovation; general management development; talks, workshops & consulting. SCI ist eine Platform für Projekte zum Geruchsinn, Riechen, Düften in Kultur, Wirtschaft, Unternehmen und Gesellschaft in der Schweiz (Zürich & Bern): Forschung, Entwicklung, Vorträge, Workshops, Beratung, kulturelle Produktion.

The Perfumed Plume Awards to Honor Excellence in Fragrance Journalism |

The Perfumed Plume Awards will bestow honors in the following categories:

  • Scent stories in mainstream media: magazines (print or digital)
  • Scent stories in mainstream media: newspapers (print or digital)
  • Blog postings
  • Visualization of scent stories: overall design presentation (print or digital)
  • Science of scent stories in mainstream media: magazines/newspapers (print or digital)/blog postings
  • Fragrance books: an award in this category will be given at the discretion of the consulting committee based on the number of fragrance books published between December 2014 and December 2015

Submissions will be accepted as of MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2015, and will close on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2015. Read more at the link above.

The Perfumed Plume Awards to Honor Excellence in Fragrance Journalism |

Scent & smartphone

Communication is digital and instant. You can watch videos and hear voices of your loved ones. But smell? Not so much. It is interesting to see how the emphasis and the underlying hopes und utopian ideas shift when reading the numerous articles on Onotes, Ophones and similar projects. Here is an article from the New York Times. Continue reading Scent & smartphone

Scent Received, With a Tap of a SmartphoneThe New York Times

Back when people communicated more often through physical letters, there was a strong market for perfumed stationery. One sniff, it is said, could bring a rush of memories or longings.

Now communication is digital and instant. You can watch videos and hear voices of your loved ones. But smell? Not so much.

There are some signs that could be changing. Product developers are preparing to offer a variety of items to consumers that will allow scent to become a part of digital messaging.

Share touch, smell and taste via the internet | euronews, hi-tech

Sharing smell, but also touch, and even taste – that’s the vision of a London university professor who has developed a range of devices he hopes will transcend the current limitations of online communication.

Today, our interaction with a smartphone or a computer is essentially audio-visual. Adrian David Cheok, Professor of Pervasive Computing at City University London, wants to involve all of our senses.

Watch the video segment on EuroNews.

The intimacy of perfume choice

Traditionally, perfumes are bought as a gift by men for women. Today the situation is certainly more divers. And a recent study reveals further insights:

Women do not buy fragrances they like for female friends.

The study is summarized in Business Insider:

Science has uncovered an unspoken etiquette about women and their perfume | Business Insider

“Researchers have found out by accident that women don’t buy perfume for other women and they won’t share the one they use themselves.”

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Fashion wrap with a confectionary twist

Harvard professor and scent inventor David Edwards, and iconic master perfumer Christophe Laudamiel put their heads and noses together to create a fashion wrap with a confectionary twist: it is implanted with tiny oNotes so that it gives off the aroma of Belgian Chocolate. Continue reading Fashion wrap with a confectionary twist