“Smell is in the nose of the smeller, but also in the culture of the smeller.” – ANTONY SYNNOTT
Continue reading A sociology of smell
Category Archives: DICTUM
“Now sight is superior to touch in purity, and hearing and smell to taste.” – ARISTOTELES
Continue reading Ocularcentrism
“Perfumes are the soft-focus lense on our rough daily existence. They are the invisible, user-friendly interface in daily human interaction. They are sheer present – yet we have unearthed their primordial past. They seem pure phenomenon – yet they contain memory, erratic and unpredictable. And although they seem to lend themselves so well to the game of pure simulation, they do have dark and uncanny origins.” – HANS RINDISBACHER
A Spotless Rose
“This Flow’r whose fragrance tender
With sweetness fills the air,
Dispels with glorious splendor
The darkness ev’rywhere.
True Man, yet very God;
From sin and death He saves us
And lightens ev’ry load.”
Symbol of the self
“The odor is a natural sign of the self as both a physical and a moral being. The odor is a symbol of the self.” – ANTONY SYNNOTT Continue reading Symbol of the self
Breathing in different sensory worlds
“Americans and Arabs live in different sensory worlds much of the time and do not use the same senses even to establish most of the distances maintained during conversations.” – EDWARD HALL Continue reading Breathing in different sensory worlds
Olfaktorischer Kommunikationszwang
“Wir sind zur olfaktorischen Kommunikation gezwungen.” – CLAUS NOPPENEY
“Smell may not seem a profound enough problem to dominate all the life sciences, but it contains, piece by piece, all the mysteries.” – LEWIS THOMAS
Ignorant smelling
“We thought it necessary to begin with the sense of smell, because of all the senses it is the one which appears to contribute least to the knowledge of the human mind.” – Etienne Bonnot de CONDILLAC Continue reading Ignorant smelling
Fragrant future
“We live in an age of ephemerality: The point for me is to expect everything else to become like perfume” – BRIAN ENO