Tag Archives: Arabic culture

“We-Feeling”: The sociality of scents!

What is social or even political about scent? This Scent Culture Comment & Review reveals some of the implications of a casual interview. Continue reading “We-Feeling”: The sociality of scents!

Breathing in different sensory worlds

“Americans and Arabs live in different sensory worlds much of the time and do not use the same senses even to establish most of the distances maintained during conversations.” – EDWARD HALL Continue reading Breathing in different sensory worlds

Scents of Exile

Scents of Exile is an olfactory art project curated by Ashraf Osman in partnership with Syndicate and Givaudan. It takes as its point of departure an evocative text about memory, identity and nostalgia associated with scents of cities and places no longer accessible, from In the Presence of Absence by renowned Arab poet Mahmoud Darwish.

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