Tag Archives: publication

Olfactory Magazine “NEZ” in English

The emergence of publications have always been milestones for the development of fields and discourses. Thus the publication of an English speaking olfactory magazine is of significance. Bringing together articles, interviews, surveys and critical analysis with an olfactory focus, NEZ challenges us to use our noses to explore the world. Continue reading Olfactory Magazine “NEZ” in English

Paper Passion

The Paper Passion perfume conceived for Handmade 2011, which bottles the seductive scent of a freshly printed books, was inspired by a throwaway line by German publisher Gerhard Steidl in the film How to Make a Book with Steidl, which suggested his favourite scent was a ‘freshly printed book’. Continue reading Paper Passion

Perfume Book Lists

So, are you making a list and checking it twice? ‘This is the season of lists, after all: wish lists, end-of-year/best-of lists, etc. Perfumes lists are aplenty this time of year (nearly as common as perfume ads) but here at SCI we’re especially fond of perfume books. Continue reading Perfume Book Lists


Eduardo Kac is internationally recognized for his telepresence and bio art. Osmobox drawings were exhibited at Galerie Charlot in Paris (2014). Osmoboxes are visually identical but completely distinct in their olfactory identity. Every scent in the Osmobox series is unique and constitutes the core of the artwork.  Continue reading Osmobox

What the nose knows…

This Fall, many of you may be teaching a course on sensation and perception or lecturing on scent culture. Why not put What the Nose Knows: The Science of Scent in Everyday Life on your reading list (as we did!)? It’s an entertaining way to introduce students to classical topics such as odor memory and identification, important aroma molecules, history of scent measurement, and more. Continue reading What the nose knows…