Sensory typography: How does your letter smell?

Graphic designer Sarah Hyndman thinks that the shape of a letter can impact the way stuff tastes, smells, and sounds. To her, typefaces are multi-sensory experiences that affect the way we interact with the world around us. Continue reading Sensory typography: How does your letter smell?

Smelly typography

Can letters smell? How can typography smell? This school project experiments with smelly materials – in this case onions. Interestingly, there is even an economic layer of meaning: Apparently, onions are expensive in India!

Sneha Keshav: “An experimental type done as a school project. Seems apt right now, given the sky-rocketing cost of onions in India!” Found on

Thank you Sneha Keshav!


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Smelly theory of private property

The genesis of private property has been a recurring theme in political philosophy since ancient times. In his essays on the five senses the French philosopher Michel Serres proposes a “smelly theory of private property”: Continue reading Smelly theory of private property

Scent design influences the behaviour of people in crowds at Eindhoven

In addition to light, sound, color and other design dimensions scent is increasingly used to influence human emotions and behavior. Aromatherapy is the discipline that has developed this expertise and knowledge of centuries. Scent Marketing is currently an obvious case. But there are also non-commercial contexts as this story from Eindhoven reports. Continue reading Scent design influences the behaviour of people in crowds at Eindhoven


“Perfumes are the soft-focus lense on our rough daily existence. They are the invisible, user-friendly interface in daily human interaction. They are sheer present – yet we have unearthed their primordial past. They seem pure phenomenon – yet they contain memory, erratic and unpredictable. And although they seem to lend themselves so well to the game of pure simulation, they do have dark and uncanny origins.” – HANS RINDISBACHER

Continue reading Perfumes

Smithsonian Design Museum: Design Beyond Vision!

Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum will present “The Senses: Design Beyond Vision” . In the 1980s the Swiss design thinker Lucius Burckhardt coined: “Design is invisible“.

Continue reading Smithsonian Design Museum: Design Beyond Vision!

Olfaction is the message

There are different ways how to address smell in advertizing. Campaigns in perfumery are an obvious case. Moreover, we recently discussed how even negative feedback on the olfactory quality of a product is used in advertizing. The example of today stands out in a different way. Continue reading Olfaction is the message

Collector at Art Basel: “You have buried the smell of the oilstick…”

In today’s art world the sensorium is focused on the visual. A closer look however reveals that the sense of smell should no longer be neglected. Here is an ethnographic story from hanging out with art collectors at a recent edition of Art Basel that might be more telling and revealing than any systematic survey.

Continue reading Collector at Art Basel: “You have buried the smell of the oilstick…”

Thought leadership, talks, workshops, cultural production & consulting in an experiential & aesthetic economy Bern, Zürich, Schweiz