Category Archives: Scent Culture Comment & Review

comments and reviews: SCI shares views, observations – there should be a SCI contribution

The factory as an attractive multisensory workspace

“The results of this study cast serious doubt on the ideology of the machine-haters. Even in the American automobile industry, where technology is allegedly most dehumanizing, workers expected satisfaction in their work. The situation differed little in the less industrial countries; autoworkers preferred working to leisure, not out of a sense of duty or a need for sociability, but because they thought that work ordered their lives. They did not see the factory as a restrictive and unattractive environment; on the contrary, most preferred its noise and smell to the antiseptic atmosphere of the office. Even rural migrants were not nostalgic about the farm and the urban-born rarely mused about the joys of farm life.”

Factory work is not the nemesis pictured by the postindustrial romanticists. The noise and the smell of the factory are much preferred to the dainty but dull routines of the office.

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Form, W. H. (1976). Blue-Collar Stratification: Autoworkers in Four Countries. Princeton  N.J.: Princeton University Press, p. 135f.

Form, W. H. (1973). Auto Workers and Their Machines: A Study of Work, Factory, and Job Satisfaction in Four Countries. Social Forces, 52(1), 1–15, p. 13.


Fragrant Christmas!

Oranges are native to China. In the late Middle Ages they were new to Europe. Andrea Mantegna was clearly aware of orange trees and their beautiful golden fruit when he created this fragrant image of the Holy Night, the Adoration of the Shepherds:


The scene is set in an open space, with Mary in the middle, adoring the child while kneeling on a stone step, while to her right Joseph is sleeping, and to her left two shepherds pray.

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Morris, E. T., & Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N. (1999). Scents of time: perfume from ancient Egypt to the 21st century. Munich ; London ; New York: Prestel, p. 66.


Ferdinand & Smell culture studies (4)

The Story of Ferdinand (1936) is a much acclaimed classic children book written by American author Munro Leaf and illustrated by Robert Lawson. This post reveals the fragrant (and so far ignored) message of the plot.

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Art Now! Lecture at Columbia College Chicago

Portraiture is known as a visual art genre. Yet, working with body odors has given rise to artistic works that explore new sensory territories. A lecture with Claus Noppeney at Columbia College in Chicago discussed this development: Can a smell represent a person? How is an olfactory portrait experienced in an art space? How relevant is the process? … Continue reading Art Now! Lecture at Columbia College Chicago

Macht & Duft: Politiker als Nase

In diesen Tagen vor der Landtagswahl in Bayern verdient der amtierende Ministerpräsidenten Markus Söder besondere Aufmerksamkeit. Dabei überrascht ein Portrait mit Bezügen in die Bildwelt des osmanischen Reiches: Was also verbindet Markus Söder mit einem Sultan?

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Smelling outer space: “intimidating”

ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst has taken over the role of International Space Station commander from NASA astronaut Drew Feustel earlier today. This is a perfect opportunity to highlight his recent interview with Jan Böhmermann on how outer space smells.

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Wo bleibt der Duft? A new whiff of politics?

In the ongoing election campaign in the German state of Bavaria the neoliberal FDP tries to sell the political agenda with the whiff of a new car scent and triggers some controversy. What is “aseptic” about it as the FAZ argues? Is it authentic? Or is this a new step of fake politics?  Continue reading Wo bleibt der Duft? A new whiff of politics?

“We-Feeling”: The sociality of scents!

What is social or even political about scent? This Scent Culture Comment & Review reveals some of the implications of a casual interview. Continue reading “We-Feeling”: The sociality of scents!

Ferdinand & current research (3)

The Story of Ferdinand is a much acclaimed classic children book written by American author Munro Leaf and illustrated by Robert Lawson. Since its publication in 1936 the story has generated a wide range of readings. This essay looks at Ferdinand as a possible icon of science communication. It shows how the story corresponds with the current state of research. The essay is a new chapter of the ongoing series of Scent Culture Comment & Review.

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