Intervista A Claus Noppeney

The science and magic of olfaction

A recent event of the series “Arte in Azienda” offered an exploration of the sense of smell at the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano. The aim was to get the community and students involved in a sensory experience that calls into question the meanings of smell in consumer culture, communication, and everyday life.
Continue reading The science and magic of olfaction

Macht & Duft: Politiker als Nase

In diesen Tagen vor der Landtagswahl in Bayern verdient der amtierende Ministerpräsidenten Markus Söder besondere Aufmerksamkeit. Dabei überrascht ein Portrait mit Bezügen in die Bildwelt des osmanischen Reiches: Was also verbindet Markus Söder mit einem Sultan?

Continue reading Macht & Duft: Politiker als Nase

Smelling outer space: “intimidating”

ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst has taken over the role of International Space Station commander from NASA astronaut Drew Feustel earlier today. This is a perfect opportunity to highlight his recent interview with Jan Böhmermann on how outer space smells.

Continue reading Smelling outer space: “intimidating”

Wo bleibt der Duft? A new whiff of politics?

In the ongoing election campaign in the German state of Bavaria the neoliberal FDP tries to sell the political agenda with the whiff of a new car scent and triggers some controversy. What is “aseptic” about it as the FAZ argues? Is it authentic? Or is this a new step of fake politics?  Continue reading Wo bleibt der Duft? A new whiff of politics?

“We-Feeling”: The sociality of scents!

What is social or even political about scent? This Scent Culture Comment & Review reveals some of the implications of a casual interview. Continue reading “We-Feeling”: The sociality of scents!

Scent Culture Initiative: Exploring scentscape of Zurich WCs

The City of Zurich operates 107 public bathrooms and restrooms. Scent Culture Initiative explored the scentscape of selected facilities. Using a semi-structured questionnaire a number of restrooms were identified as outstanding and hence labelled as “approved by scentculture”.  Continue reading Scent Culture Initiative: Exploring scentscape of Zurich WCs

Multi-sensory innovation in management education

Working with the business world is a way to show the impact of research. It has been our ambition to make scent culture research relevant for business from the outset. This post features a few milestones (i.e. industry workshops, management education) demonstrating how this is going forward.  Continue reading Multi-sensory innovation in management education

Thought leadership, talks, workshops, cultural production & consulting in an experiential & aesthetic economy Bern, Zürich, Schweiz